DataAnalytics Help Center
version 0.1.8
Change log
0.1.8 - September 30, 2006
- Google spreadsheet support - Philippe
- Linux compatibility improved - Dmitri
- Firefox 2 support
- Automation classes added
- Unit tests started
Bug fixes
- First tab not selectable (hacked around)
- Linux numbers not showing
- Linux icons not showing
- Import of large table slow (caused by bug
used workaround)
- ctrl - c should not be the short cut for closing -
0.1.7 - April 4, 2006
- Export reports as HTML - Steve, Leo, Richard
- About dialog
- Toolbar for data view item
- Manually highlight and filter
- Processing: add some more predicates
- Processing: add extract function
- Processing: add some more aggregates needed for descriptive stats
- Tree: second level group row style modified: Colors
now alternating when collapsed.
- Handle data tables with a lot of columns better.
- DataViewItem: handle lists better by filtering
- General: refactor type system (continued)
- TreeViews: refactor DataView vs XUL tree operations
- TreeViews: for large datasets performance optimizations.
Bug fixes
- Two level groupings broken in 0.1.6
- New column: Type combo: previous value retained
- New column: selecting custom formula: save button stays disabled.
- New column: boolean type: column not set to Boolean
- Data Report: Aggregates of root group not showing in report.
- Reports: format the text according to formats.
- Charts do not format the text according to formats (axis labels).
- Date formatters: wrong value is parsed if the properties dialog is
opened then closed.
- Code editor: pressing tab should add a tab character.
- Very large views are cut when there is not enough space and it affects
all the views
- Search: Highlight All not working under Linux with DataAnalytics
0.1.5 - Hopefull
- Highlights cannot be removed
- Various bugs in the Import Wizard
- Transformations not working as expected.
0.1.6 - February 24, 2006
- New and improved data types (String, Number, Date, Currency, Boolean)
- Type interpreter (parameterize parsing)
- Type formatters (parameterize display)
- 'Mode' aggregate
- Simple formula optimization.
- Improved memory usage for large tables. 25Mb saved on 32000 rows
- Optimize the tree view for large dataset that is grouped (by caching some
- DataObjects: refactor DataObjects namespace
- General: use object prototypes, sanitize type system (started)
- General: refactor data type handling
- Integer data type renamed to Number type since it covers floats as well.
- Investigate using E4X for XUL manipulation.
- Optimization offered when a large table is imported.
- Make aggregate functions know all data-types.
- Import wizard: ignore when data type invalid now working.
Bug fixes
- Highlights defined in one view is shown in all other views of the same
data and in the data table item
- More sensible default size for main window - Martin
- Simple formula: repeating a column letter breaks the code.
- Added column default position should be at the end.
- New column trunc function: field combo is tiny and no spacer before
- New column: Function selection does not work until the focus of the
column name changes
- Tables without title should be handled better
- Pressing escape in wizards to close dialog breaks app.
- Chart data page: subset of rows shown if original data is grouped
- Code editor: unnamed function: error should be explicit
- Code editor: code formatting: prevent unterminated string constant error
0.1.5 - February 3, 2006
- DataViewItem: implement filter, highlight functionality
- Report: data report
- Localization: JS strings now loaded from bundle
- In the tree the aggregate row style was modified: Only bold now
- Group boxes removed from view items bottom tabs.
- Descriptive stats now using standard dialog.
Bug fixes
- Chart not working when data is grouped.
- Multiple DataAnalytics main window can open (one for each browser
- Opening an item in the main window makes inner tabs show 2nd tab.
- Selecting existing Aggregate: checks are offset by one. (interaction
with grouping)
- Tab close button hover and active state not working.
- X-axis label not showing in graphs.
- Importing when window already open does nothing.
- Chart wizard on series page: editing existing chart makes blank series
in tree
0.1.4 - January 6, 2006